A Trifecta of Stabilizers

i’m trying out several mediums. this one’s written with poster paint.

Reading stimulates Thinking inspires Writing encourages Reading.

Silenced with His Quiet Love

photo linked to page


Most days, these thoughts
are clouds and rain.
shifting shapes,
composing loud beats,
chasing after
fashionable reasoning
until it is loud and drowning.

Beneath it all
I am at peace to know:

The Lord your God is with you…
He will quiet You with His love.
~Zeph 3:17

Strange Sparks of Writing

my beautiful mess

We write to interpret and
to reach beyond ourselves
from the stories that we read.


We are convinced
we write down our thoughts
when it is the other way around.
We write to produce,
to conjure thoughts,
until we begin
to breathe some sense.